
Red Clover - a small powerhouse

Red Clover - a small powerhouse

Red Clover is an amazing ingredient and is a mighty powerhouse for a small plant. It helps to regenerate your skin cells, aiding in healing, reduces inflammation and brings a calm tone to your skin.   This amazing plant that we see in almost every field and on every walk, contains an array of benefits.  Vitamin C is vital for skin health and will help to protect and aid your skin tone boosting collagen.   Zinc is an anti-inflammatory helping to reduce swelling and soreness and Thiamin (B1) is an antioxidant with superb anti-aging properties.  Magnesium will help reduce cortisol levels...

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Acne Testimonial

Acne Testimonial

It means alot to be able to share your stories and we would like to thank Emma for hers. I'm 48 years old and got skin:genius at first for my daughter when she was 10 and showing early signs of adolescent skin. I have suffered from bad skin since my late twenties so adult acne basically around the jaw and neck so very uncomfortable!!    I have tried everything going trust me. I decided to try some of my daughters skin:genius, which by the way has worked wonders on her skin.  I have been using it now for over a...

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Talking Creates Confidence

Talking Creates Confidence

Talking is a great release in many ways.  Whether it’s to off-load, get advice, or even just a hello – it’s good to talk.   If you’re bogged down with homework, study or have many assignments to hand in, talking with a friend or tutor may help to work out a system and how you can plan your day or week making it all look achievable.  Taking time to step away from study and be with others to laugh and talk, will help make things look clearer when you go back to it.  Asking peoples advice will help your and their...

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Does Cortisol cause acne

Does Cortisol cause acne

You will of seen cortisol pop up a few times in our messages blogs and more. Why?  Because it can bring on more spots. So what is cortisol and what does it do to your body. Cortisol is a hormone and your body releases it when it comes under pressure or stress.   It’s made in the adrenal glands and reaches all parts of your body helping your body cope with the number of different roles it has to play. Your body sends signals and cortisol is controlled by 3 main players when more or less of it is needed.  The hypothalamus...

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