You only get acne when you are in your teens – wrong! You can get it in adulthood too, even if you had clear skin in your teens. With our hormones and raised levels of cortisol (stress hormone that produces more sebum = spots) we find acne, spots and breakouts appearing at any age. Hormones are being challenged daily with diet, medication and lifestyle and this will have an affect on our bodies. The important thing is to work with your skin naturally and not against by using natural ingredients that have been around for hundreds of years and...
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Does the start of a new year make you feel a bit anxious about what you should be doing, how you should be doing it, commitment, study, work, your looks? Oh and then another spot appears. I don’t know about you but it’s really hard to think rationally when anxiety kicks in and sometimes you don’t even realise it’s happening. When feelings creep in, go with what feels right to do at the time. It's a tough choice as fighting it sometimes makes it worse, but then going out for a walk and fresh air makes such a positive difference. ...
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Happy 2019! At this time of year there’s always a niggling pressure from others as to ‘What’s your New Years resolution’ from friends, family and all around and every year it’s the same ones, lose weight (as totally over-indulged!), dry January, stop this, start that and inevitably it all goes wrong - by about now! So this year, no resolutions are being set. We are creating a list of things to do, places to go and people to see. These will leave us with a sense of achievement, rather than disappointment that it didn’t happen…. again! ...
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Karina has been using skin:genius for 6 months now and wanted to share her story. Acne doesn't just appear in your teens, so when it appeared for Katrina aged 26, she really wasn't expecting it! So how do you get on top of it? "After having beautiful skin growing up, it was a shock to start developing adult acne at 26. After putting it down to stress and tiredness, I tried lots of different products and was close to going to the doctors to get prescription medication. Using these products has completely changed my skin. I used...
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