Feeling confident in your own skin is a struggle at any age, but it’s even more challenging when you're fighting the battle of acne and don’t have the clear skin you want. When it comes to social media, it’s become the norm to be constantly bombarded with photoshopped images of people holding unrealistic beauty standards. Having to see this all day every day has made it difficult for anyone to feel comfortable in their own skin, especially teens But despite the rising pressures to conform to these unfeasible standards, there have been a number (ten, in fact) of inspirational Instagrammers...
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Here you are, in your 20s and 30s, thinking you’ve reached the safe zone until BOOM! Suddenly, you wake up to the breakout hell you thought you left behind with your teenage years Coming to terms with the fact that acne doesn’t just happen during adolescence is tough. But before you feel alone in this world, know this: you’re not the only grown-up dealing with the high school reunion your spots are currently having on your complexion. As incomprehensible (and unfair) as it may seem, adult acne is common and affects nearly 55% of the adult population. If you dealt with spots...
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Ah, teenagers… the awkward stage that’s not quite childhood but not quite adulthood yet. Adolescent years are tough. But being a parent of a teenager, as we’re sure you will agree, is a whole lot tougher. It can seem an impossible task to get them to listen to anything you have to say, let alone convincing them why they need a skincare routine. They’re at that stage in their life where they want to fend for themselves. Be independent. Make their own decisions... about absolutely everything. It can feel as if they’re actively trying to do the exact opposite of...
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We would like to thank every one of you, the judges and anyone involved in the Beauty Shortlist Awards. We are thrilled to have won 3 awards for: BEST PRODUCT for acne - teenage skin – skin:genius Clarifying Lotion BEST CLEANSER for acne - teenage skin – skin:genius Facial Wash BEST MOISTURISER for acne - teenage skin – skin:genius Moisturiser It is wonderful to be recognised amongst many other, more established natural brands which we took our place alongside and we are thrilled that skin:genius has stood out as an Acne Skincare Solution winner to the judges. Shop here for...
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