Ah, teenagers… the awkward stage that’s not quite childhood but not quite adulthood yet. Adolescent years are tough. But being a parent of a teenager, as we’re sure you will agree, is a whole lot tougher.
It can seem an impossible task to get them to listen to anything you have to say, let alone convincing them why they need a skincare routine.
They’re at that stage in their life where they want to fend for themselves. Be independent. Make their own decisions... about absolutely everything. It can feel as if they’re actively trying to do the exact opposite of what you want them to do (spoiler: most of the time they are). But, although they say they don’t want our help, they still do need us.
Thanks to puberty, your teen will be going through the many hormonal changes that happen with growing up. It’s only natural for skin problems, like oiliness, breakouts, and acne, to occur during this stage. According to the British Skin Foundation, 80% of 13 to 18 year olds will suffer from acne, and three out of five teenagers surveyed say the biggest impact acne has on their lives is a fall in self-confidence.
But with a little motivation and understanding, we’re sure these few tips will help you get your teenager to listen and take care of their skin. After all, they will benefit, and you’ll have peace of mind knowing your teen is living their best life, and one free from acne.
Here’s our guide to getting your teen to stick to a skincare routine:
Strip it back by making it as simple and easy as possible.
One word: simplify. With teenagers having a short attention span and a tendency to chop and change, the fewer steps and products involved the better. If they only have to follow a few steps that take less than five minutes, they’re far more likely to engage and stick to it for the long-term. It’s for this very reason we’ve stripped back our own skincare routine here at skin:genius to only three products that take a few minutes to use. Nobody has time for a complicated skincare routine.
Remember, consistency is key.
The best way to optimise your teenager’s acne treatment is to ensure they understand the importance of using the same skincare product twice daily: morning and night.
Maintaining a consistent skincare routine helps to aid the healing process, and they’ll start to see and feel the benefits immediately. When your teen experiences severe breakouts, their skin will be more sensitive, which is why you need to make sure they’re regularly cleansing and hydrating, to keep the pores clean and prevent acne from worsening.
But, which products do I get for teen skin?
The best thing to do is stick to the products you know are gentle to the skin yet effective in soothing, healing and restoring balance. This way they’ll be perfect to use in the morning and evening without over-drying the skin.
As a parent, you want only the best for your kids, and it’s no different when it comes to skincare. We’re inundated with skincare products that promise to give us the skin of our dreams, and when you witness your own child go through the experience of acne, you’ll do anything to make it go away. But sometimes along our quest to make everything better, we forget the harm some of the products that promise to solve our problems can cause to our skin.
A lot of skincare products for acne on the market contain harmful chemicals that end up doing more harm than good. Sure, some of them (if they don’t make it worse) will clear up the acne but what are the implications in the long-term? Be aware of the ingredients in skincare products and remember, natural is powerful and works just as well (we’ve got proof of this).
That’s why at skin:genius we use only 100% natural ingredients in our skincare products, making it kinder to the skin.
Encourage self-care
Show them the value of eating right, getting enough sleep and regular exercise. Their adolescent years set the foundation for their future as adults. By teaching them how to care for themselves now, you’re not only helping them do what’s best for their skin, but also helping them to create good habits for life.
Practise what you preach.
Kids hate a hypocrite. They’ll never let you live it down if you tell them not to do something and then see you do it moments after. We know, in this case, it’s always easier said than done. The more likely you are to set a good example of healthy living and follow a simple skincare routine yourself, the more likely your teen will follow or at least feel like they have the support to get through their own journey. Remember, monkey see, monkey do.
Encourage healthy habits and healthy meals that nourish the skin in the home first.
This part may not be easy, but it is possible. A skincare routine isn’t just about what you’re putting on your skin, but also about what you’re putting in your body.
When you start to build a culture around healthy eating at home first, they’re more likely to make better decisions when they’re out with friends. Have a look around your kitchen for any food culprits that may be aggravating your skin. If there are any products with a paragraph of ingredients you can’t pronounce, throw it out.
It’s time to say goodbye to processed foods, white bread, white rice, pasta, sugar and hello to more plant-based foods. Foods in their most natural state are the way to go when it comes to healing acne. Stock the kitchen and fridge with some of these wholesome foods:
- Homemade granola bars
- Berries
- Fruit salad
- Seed and nut mixes
- Pressed leafy green juices
- Whole grains
- Legumes
- Quinoa salads
- Salmon and other fatty fish like mackerel
And for the sweet cravings and snacks: try out vegetable crisps or raw cacao brownies. Check out one of our favourite recipes by Deliciously Ella here (she has some great and simple healthy recipes that will help with ideas)
And last, but not least: be patient.
This is a journey for you as a parent and for your teen, and while it’s not an easy one, be persistent, and we promise you’ll start to see an improvement. There is no overnight miracle cure, but by using a few of our tips combined with the right skincare products, you can help your teen live a healthier life free from acne.
The better you make them feel about this journey, the more they’re going to adhere to a skincare routine they feel is truly working for them. If you have any skincare questions or would like to chat with us about how our natural products can help, please do get in touch and we’d be happy to help.
Let’s combat acne and help them gain back the confidence they deserve together.