We have been listening and are sooo excited as we can finally share with you what's been going on behind the scenes for the past 6 months. new design different packaging exactly the same products - because they are so good! Why have we done this? Smaller bottle sizes so you can take on-board an aircraft Slim fit bottles, easier to fit in your washbag and bathroom cabinet Happy label design, relaxed and friendly Lower price Subscription friendly Exactly the same products inside as they work! PLUS - New product alert - more information to come! We hope you...
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It's great to see products containing natural ingredients as we know they bring a wealth of advantages. The results they bring are lasting, gentle and extremely effective which is why they have stood the test of time for thousands of years and put here to help us, which is why we love them so much. Let me introduce you to Ribwort - a small yet massive powerhouse! Ribwort is found in abundance and you will probably have some in your garden and see in fields and on walks. You will notice it around June time onwards. The leaves are...
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Finding skincare products that boys will use can be hard - until they use one that makes a difference to how they look and the way they feel. With an interest and experience in film and photography, Rocky is conscious about his appearance and wants to feel happy and confident. He does now. Here's Rockys story. "I’ve been using skin:genius products for over a month now. The Leave-On Purifying Gel and Soothing Moisturiser are my favourite. As my skin started to break out, I literally tried everything to get rid of it. All different kinds of skincare products and acne...
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I wanted to share my story with you and how skin:genius was born. In my teens and 20’s, I suffered with ‘bad skin’ and back then, there were no products that could help. It was toothpaste or a good squeeze and these weren’t the right answers. I was really conscious about my skin and hated the way people looked or whispered between themselves and make-up back then wasn’t like it is now. I've always loved watching, being with and listening to people and knew I had to have a customer facing role. I also knew I wanted to feel good...
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