Finding skincare products that boys will use can be hard - until they use one that makes a difference to how they look and the way they feel. With an interest and experience in film and photography, Rocky is conscious about his appearance and wants to feel happy and confident. He does now.
Here's Rockys story.
"I’ve been using skin:genius products for over a month now. The Leave-On Purifying Gel and Soothing Moisturiser are my favourite. As my skin started to break out, I literally tried everything to get rid of it. All different kinds of skincare products and acne products and as I did this, it just made my skin worse and worse.
I started using the Purifying Gel at night, the foaming face wash and soothing moisturiser 2 times a day. It has cleared my skin and also removed scars from previous skincare that were bad for my skin. The smoothing moisturiser feels soft and light on the face and rubs in quickly and the Purifying Gel feels nice and light and is a great acne treatment to leave on at night.
In my opinion there are no better products I have discovered to help with teen acne. I can’t recommend skin:genius enough!
Rocky age 15