I wanted to share my story with you and how skin:genius was born.
In my teens and 20’s, I suffered with ‘bad skin’ and back then, there were no products that could help. It was toothpaste or a good squeeze and these weren’t the right answers. I was really conscious about my skin and hated the way people looked or whispered between themselves and make-up back then wasn’t like it is now. I've always loved watching, being with and listening to people and knew I had to have a customer facing role. I also knew I wanted to feel good about myself and enjoy helping others feel the same. Being much more practical than academic, I became a hairdressing apprentice at age 15 and loved it. I qualified and went on to qualify in beauty, aromatherapy and reflexology and many completed many courses with a thirst to learn.
Through talking with many clients who had skincare problems and/or were parents of teens and pre-teens, they were struggling to find effective solutions that were natural and would work effectively with the skin and not against it. I did a lot of research to find suitable solutions, but could find none. There was a definite gap in the market for natural skincare for people struggling to combat acne, spots and breakouts. I was also seeing too many people in my salon and at the school gates who were on medication for skin conditions, struggling daily with oily skin, breakouts, flushed complexions and the anxiety that goes with it. So, I decided I wanted to develop a natural product that worked, was kind to the skin, quick and easy to use, delivered positive results and was ready for the challenge. I partnered with homeopath Hilery Dorrian to create skin:genius.
Through my study and my own experience (and now having two pre-teenage boys), I’m passionate about the power of natural ingredients and the optimum results they bring. We use powerful, natural, botanical ingredients that work to help prevent and reduce acne, spot skin, breakouts and those spots that appear just before a great night out! By working closely with homeopaths and natural skincare specialists we have developed a skincare range that works with your skin making you feel good.
skin:genius has made such positive results and restored people’s skin confidence from people aged 10 to 60. My son is 12 and has those pimples you see just under the skin. The skin can get a bit red round his nose but as soon as he uses skin:genius they go. OK, so teens are teens and we have to remind them morning and night to wash their faces and brush their teeth. One day, they will just do it without thinking - sooner rather than later we hope!. For us adults, to have a routine with only three products is great. Quick and easy to use, taking no time at all, yet delivering great results.
I have to pinch myself as skin:genius has helped so many people and it’s not unusual for people to tell me our products have ‘changed their life’. As the products work so well and people show me their skin has cleared and how they feel so happy in themselves, I know, 100%, I’m doing the right thing.
Enjoy using skin:genius and bring your skin confidence back.
Love Julia x