Have you discovered Girlie Gossip? A fantastic on-line magazine for jam-packed full of information and much, much more. It was great to be able to help Jade Lily and supply her with the perfect partner for her skin - skin:genius! This is what Jade Lily had to say: http://bit.ly/2rVFbJc "skin:genius is aimed for people, who like me, have problem skin. So, acne, stress spots and hormonal skin fall into this category. Skin genius is packed with botanical ingredients and their products are natural, organic and work with the body, not against it. Speaking as a twenty-something woman who suffers from PCOS, (a...
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This May, we are Getting Lippy with gynaecological cancer charity @EveAppeal. Join us and Get Lippy to help raise funds for life-saving research into the prevention and earlier diagnosis of all five gynaecological cancers. For too long gynaecological health has been shrouded with shame, for too long it has been seen as just ‘women’s issues’ and been dismissed and hushed through the generations. We want everyone to join us this May to Get Lippy to break down the taboos around gynaecological health. Skin:Genius is very proud to be supporting this amazing Get Lippy campaign as gynaecological health effects your skin...
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Katie Snooks is a photography graduate from London and a beauty blogger who has suffered with cystic acne for many years. It's a moving documentary and the emotional journey that is taken whilst suffering with acne can be hard. You can watch it here http://bbc.in/2otOy1n After careful consideration Katie chose to take prescribed medication for acne which can leave you with side effects. skin:genius can help with your acne journey and we now have testimonials from people who are using skin:genius in favour of prescribed medication. skin:genius is a skincare range that has been expertly designed by using high quality, proven natural and...
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Do you want to turn your troublesome spot-prone skin into a fresh glowing complexion?
Simply sign up for the 30 Day Challenge which starts on 1st February. You will receive regular emails showing how to improve your skin in 30 days.
To maximise results we recommend using Skin:Genius products which is why we have an exclusive offer just for those taking part in our Feel The Difference Skin Challenge.
Sign up Here to receive your VIP offer and start your journey to skin:confidence today.
Get ready and we look forward to being in touch soon.
Love Team Skin:Genius x
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