This May, we are Getting Lippy with gynaecological cancer charity @EveAppeal. Join us and Get Lippy to help raise funds for life-saving research into the prevention and earlier diagnosis of all five gynaecological cancers.
For too long gynaecological health has been shrouded with shame, for too long it has been seen as just ‘women’s issues’ and been dismissed and hushed through the generations. We want everyone to join us this May to Get Lippy to break down the taboos around gynaecological health. Skin:Genius is very proud to be supporting this amazing Get Lippy campaign as gynaecological health effects your skin as well as your body. Skin:Genius is designed to specifically target the spots and breakouts - whoever you are.
Buy the Skin:Genius Starter Collection, 1:2:3 Complete Genius Collection or 1:2:3:4 Ultimate Genius Collection and 10% will be given to @eveappeal.
Join us in making a commitment to Get Lippy and loud about gynae health so that everyone knows the symptoms of the five gynae cancers and feels empowered to seek medical help when they need it.
Find out more #GetLippy
To help open up life-saving conversations, here are some conversation starters:
- When did you first learn about periods and how? Was this before you started your own period, and how long before?
- What’s your ‘first period’ story?’
- What did your parent(s)/carer(s) refer to the vulva as and from what age?
- Can you remember when you first learned that the vulva is called the vulva and was it talked about as though it was rude to mention?
- Did you have sex education at school that included health and gynaecological issues?
- When did your sex education at school start and was everyone included?
- Do you have any sex education stories?
- Do you know how many gynaecological cancers there are and can you name them?
- Would you feel confident labelling a diagram of the gynae anatomy?
- Have you had a cervical screening test before? How did you find it?
- What was something you thought was true when you were younger, that you have now found out is a myth, when it comes to gynae health?
- Do you know how many of the gynae cancers are linked to inherited genetic conditions? (run in the family)
- Do you know what cervical screening checks for? Do you still call it a smear test and did you think this was something different?
- Were you told about the importance of checking your breasts/chest for lumps? Were you also told the importance of checking your genitals?
- What would you do if you had some vaginal bleeding outside of your monthly menstrual cycle (if you do have regular periods)?
- What do you know about HPV and the cancers it is associated with?
- Who do you think is at risk of HPV infection?
- Do you think there is a stigma attached to having a gynae health problem?
- What’s one bit of gynae information that you wish you had known when you were growing up?
- What’s the advice or information that you would like to share with friends about gynae health?