Me, My Spots and I....

Me, My Spots and I....

Katie Snooks is a photography graduate from London and a beauty blogger who has suffered with cystic acne for many years.  It's a moving documentary and the emotional journey that is taken whilst suffering with acne can be hard.  You can watch it here

After careful consideration Katie chose to take prescribed medication for acne which can leave you with side effects.  

skin:genius can help with your acne journey and we now have testimonials from people who are using skin:genius in favour of prescribed medication.  skin:genius is a skincare range that has been expertly designed by using high quality, proven natural and organic ingredients that work with the skin fighting the bacteria that causes acne and spots and helping to regenerate the skin and minimise scarring.

skin:genius doesn't masque or hide any symptoms, SkinGenuis will make your skin, body and mind feel and look so much better in a fast and effective way and is suitable for teenagers and adult skin types.  With 80% of teenagers and 40% of adults suffering and it on the rise, it's a relief to be able to deliver a clear, natural, skincare solution.

To read the testimonials from people that have stopped using medication in favour of skin:genius please visit our blog

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