
Ditch the acne medicine - tackle it naturally skin:genius

Ditch the acne medicine - tackle it naturally skin:genius

Acne can be devastating – not only is it painful and unsightly, if can also affect people’s confidence and self-esteem.  Unsurprising then that people will try pretty much anything to rid them of their acne: even, as a last resort, turning to their doctor many of who are prescribing Roaccutane. Roaccutane can cause some very harsh side effects - here are just a few; Life-threatening birth defects can be caused.  Women of child-bearing potential must agree to the use of 2 forms of contraception i.e. condoms and the contraceptive pill, so a change of hormones occur Depression, anxiety, aggression and mood changes and...

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skin:genius works!!

skin:genius works!!

Rafael started to experience symptoms of Acne Rosacea six years ago at the age of 40. Prior to this he had not had any skin problems, not even during his teenage and young adult years.  However, the Acne Rosacea took a hold very quickly and within weeks Rafael had reddened, itchy, hot and painful skin on his face which then spread to his chest and back. This upsetting condition kept Rafael awake at night as his skin was hot and itchy: he couldn’t resist scratching it sometimes causing patches to bleed. This is Rafaels story; It was absolutely horrible: a nightmare....

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Lara has suffered with very oily skin all her adult life. As a teenager she had breakouts and problems, but never full-blown acne. She anticipated her skin would clear in her 20s but it didn’t: she has been plagued with spots and breakouts ever since. Lara says; From early on I avoided moisturisers, sun tan lotions and foundations as they all made my skin break out in spots and even more greasy.  My skin was never clear and experienced further breakouts each month. I discovered the skin:genius Clarifying Lotion 18 months ago when it was first launched. It was such a...

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Anxiety before Exams

Anxiety before Exams

Are you anxious or worried about your exams or are you a parent that's worried about your son/daughter worrying! You are not alone.  Here is some advice from the UCL website and they have more advice here "The key to reducing anxiety is to make an early start with your revision. Six weeks should be enough for end of year exams, depending on how many you have, and where you are at in your studies. Take enough time to do yourself justice. Remember revision is just that - it's about seeing something again and refreshing your knowledge. It's not about new...

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