
Let’s Talk About Acne with Isabelle Nunn MPHARM (Hons) Dip NT, our Resident Expert

Let’s Talk About Acne with Isabelle Nunn MPHARM (Hons) Dip NT, our Resident Expert

Did you know that acne is one of the most common skin conditions in the UK? It is estimated to affect up to 95% of teenagers, with 20-35% experiencing moderate or severe symptoms.1 Generally associated with adolescence and early 20s, it can occur at any age, with a higher incidence of adult acne in women than men. Acne presents as a chronic inflammatory skin condition, characterised by excessive sebum production and blocked pores. Outbreaks of blackheads and whiteheads (known as comedones) manifest when skin follicles become blocked with dead skin cells and oil. Excessive sebum production results in an oily,...

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Acne Awareness Month and Nutrition Benefits with Kat Bright, Our Resident Expert

Acne Awareness Month and Nutrition Benefits with Kat Bright, Our Resident Expert

June marks Acne Awareness Month, a perfect time to focus on how diet can impact your skin health. Acne, a common skin condition affecting millions worldwide, can often be managed with dietary changes. Here’s a guide to the best foods to include in your diet to help achieve clearer skin. Foods rich in zinc. Zinc has anti-inflammatory properties and can help reduce the production of sebum, an oily substance that can clog up pores. Good sources of zinc include pumpkin seeds, chickpeas, cashew nuts and quinoa.  Probiotic foods. Probiotics support gut health, which is linked to reduced inflammation and improved...

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The connection between exercise and skin health with Val Simpson our Resident Fitness Coach

The connection between exercise and skin health with Val Simpson our Resident Fitness Coach

‘Is working out good for your skin?’ As a personal trainer, this is a question I’m often asked.  And the quick answer is ‘yes’!  I often discuss with clients the mind / body connection and how the benefits of exercise go way beyond changes to body shape or size. Also discussed is how exercise improves mood, mental resilience and stress levels which, also, have an impact on skin health. The fact is, the skin reflects the health of both body and mind. Aside from the obvious overall health and longevity benefits, there’s a pretty amazing connection between exercise and skin health....

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How to cope with anxiety during exams with Nicola Bonn, our Anxiety & Beauty Ambassador

How to cope with anxiety during exams with Nicola Bonn, our Anxiety & Beauty Ambassador

Exam season is here and trust me, I know how anxiety provoking that can feel. For me, exams not only felt like the be all and end all when it came to my future success (which they absolutely were not), but I used to get panic attacks sitting in a big hall to do them, so I had the added stress of feeling awful whilst trying to succeed. I eventually asked to take my exams in a room where I would feel comfortable and my teachers were really supportive. Let's get back to you though. If exams are making you feel stressed, anxious...

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