The countdown has begun and I love everything about the run up to Christmas. Buying gifts, hearing the same songs wherever you go, seeing the lights and the crazy days of eats and drinks with family and friends.
And then, I wake up in the morning to find my skin has broken out on my cheeks and jawline. Why today? I’ve got a busy day of working, collecting a few more presents, running the boys around, helping with homework and then out with a couple of girlfriends for pre-christmas drinks. I really didn’t want any ‘extras’ on my face.
So why has this happened?
Snooze, you lose. Getting a good nights sleep will help your skin repair itself, with old cells being replaced by new ones. Not enough sleep can result in more spots and dark circles. Sleep deprivation causes stress, which produces more cortisol and this will aggravate acne and spots. Keep ahead of the game and help your skin over the festive period by going to bed an hour (or two!) earlier.
Here are some other top tips that will help give your skin a boost.
- Stay hydrated and drink water regularly.
- Remove make-up at night, however late it is. If you don’t your pores will be blocked and eventually breakouts will appear.
- Stick with your skincare routine both morning and night.
- Cleanse + Treat + Moisturise = Happy Skin.
It might take a bit of ‘nagging’ with the kids (and yourself!) but it will all be worth it.
Yesterday we got the Christmas tree and it’s now in full swing with the kids just loving the fact they get away with eating chocolate before breakfast!
Enjoy your run up to Christmas.
Love Julia x