Our goal is to help as many people with acne, spots and breakouts have clearer skin that they are happy and confident with by using natural ingredients that don't harm the skin and create other problems.
Testimonials are powerful and inspire others. Here is Annas' story, thank you for sharing x
Dear skin:genius
I started using the 3 step skin:genius products in January this year. I had used duac for years as prescribed by my dermatologist and every time I asked my doctor if I should come off it, they said no your skin is great keep on it. However, the more aware I became about synthetic products I realised how I just could not keep using duac and decided to come off it. I should mention I came off it two years ago too but went back on it as soon as I started getting breakouts as I had never seen anything like this before.
However, second time round I decided that all this antibiotic in the cream and synthetic was more harmful than anything and I was coming off but going to stay strong this time. I came off and 3 months later in the August my breakouts started in the exactly the same way and were as horrible looking as the previous time, starting between my eyebrows. My face was eventually covered in massive cyst looking things. I was getting on average 5 new ones a day and the others were taking forever to heal. It was horrible, I feel traumatised just speaking about it, my face would be burning, red etc. I only went on duac in my early 20s for mini clogged pores on my forehead that bothered me, in retrospect I wish I never had.
However, I kid you not, I started using your three products in January and now five months later my skin feels like mine again.
I am finally comfortable in my own skin if not even more. It’s not only cleared my skin but it is not red or sore. I have had the odd spot in the last four weeks which are tiny and using your purifying gel they are pain free after one sleep and gone by day three.
They are not deep cysts anymore, they come to the surface and then magically disappear.
My intensely long review is probably saying a lot but I should stop now!!
All I can say is your product has changed my life and I could literally cry while writing this, thank you!!