Did you know about the Girls Active Website?
It's a fantastic scheme that celebrates girls aged between 11 and 16 years old getting active regardless of size, attitude or ability and we are proud to be part of the prize winning package for the winners of the Girls Active Awards! Have you voted yet? If not then take a look here; http://bit.ly/2pPUZNb
Girls Active is funded by Sport England National Lottery and delivered by Youth Sport Trust in partnership with Women in Sport. Girls Active aims to tackle declining participation in physical activity by adolescent girls and its associated implications for health, wellbeing and academic attainment. The programme takes a partnership approach between teachers and girls working together to understand what makes girls fully engage in PE, sport and physical activity and then provide and ‘sell’ inspiring and relevant opportunities for all girls, not just the sporty few.
Girls Active has already made a positive difference, with schools reporting that it is improving girls’ attitudes to school, raising girls ‘confidence and self esteem and increasing levels participation in sporting activities and fitness among girls. These results are significant. From our Girls Active pilot completed in 2014, the numbers stating they were happy with the way their bodies look more than doubled while those unhappy with the way their body looked more than halved.
The Girls Active Awards scheme launched in 2017, in celebration of the work schools are doing to develop positive attitudes towards PE and sport and the achievements of girls, with regards their own levels of physical activity but also that of their peers. The Girls Active Awards will recognise the achievements of girls and their schools in increasing participation, since the inception of the project.