Sue was diagnosed with a very aggressive breast cancer when a 33mm tumour was discovered at a routine breast screening. The tumour needed to be shrunk before it could be removed, so Sue began a four-month course of chemotherapy.
Following chemotherapy, the tumour had shrunk and Sue then faced surgery, a lumpectomy. This was then followed by a course of radiotherapy, a futher six months of chemotherapy and Sue will have zoledronic acid for three years. Sue has fantastic news as the cancer has gone and she will be monitored for the next five years.
Unwelcome side effect
Whilst going through treatment, Sue experienced a very unwelcome side effect from the chemotherapy treatment. “Within hours of having my first chemo, the skin on my face became really flushed, tight and hot to the touch,” says Sue. Having previously had normal, calm skin this was upsetting for her. “I love using the Skin:Genius Soothe Operator moisturiser on a daily basis, as it leaves my skin feeling nourished and smooth.”
So when her ‘chemo flush’ appeared, Sue turned to Skin:Genius once more.
“Giving my face a drink!”
Sue applied the Skin:Genius All's Well That Gels Well purifying gel to her face and felt relief immediately. “It was like giving my face a drink,” she says, “It was so refreshing and by the next morning the redness and hot sensation had completely disappeared. It was such a relief.”
Another aspect Sue really appreciates about Skin:Genius is the fact the products are gentle and 100% natural, saying “I certainly don’t need any more chemicals in my system.”
Such A Help
Each time Sue had her next dose of chemotherapy the redness returned, but she was ready with the Skin:Genius gel. Sue explains, “The chemo was poisoning my body, whilst attacking the cancer. I couldn’t prevent it from having a bad effect on my skin. Luckily, the gel took away the redness and hot feeling almost immediately.” Sue even took to keeping it in her fridge, “to let it feel even more refreshing!”
Be prepared
Sue has her skin under control and has these words of advice and encouragement to anyone else whose skin feels and looks similar to what she was experiencing. “Accept your skin is likely to react to chemotherapy and be prepared. Have some Skin:Genius gel to hand – at the hospital and in your fridge at home! Use the moisturiser once the gel has soaked in: it will feel very comforting. Its products are fantastic and made a huge difference to me.”
All's Well That Gels Well - Treatment Gel