I just wanted to bring you up to date with my skin:genius journey.
I have suffered with oily skin and breakouts since my early teens and have lived in the vain hope that with age, my skin would improve. However for the intervening 40+ years, my skin has unfortunately changed little.
Having tried just about every product on the market, it was with little hope that I tested your skin:genius Clarifying Lotion earlier this year. It was nothing short of a miracle! From the outset my skin began to produce less oil and the subsequent breakouts were brought under control quickly. Even the dreaded “monthly” breakouts lessened and disappeared more quickly with the use of the Clarifying Lotion. One of the greatest side-effects of the product is it’s use as a base for makeup. I have always used powder based foundations rather than liquid as they simply slid off after a few hours, but by using the Clarifying lotion as a make-up base in the morning, the make-up goes on evenly and the oily shine is kept at bay until the end of the evening.
Each summer when I have to use sun tan lotion on my face, I always end up with angry and long lasting breakouts. This summer, I continued to use the Clarifying Lotion as a base under the sun tan lotion and it prevented the breakout completely!
As I hurtle headlong into my 50th year, I can’t thank you enough for producing such a fabulous product and I only wish it was around years ago! My son is only a few years off his double digits, but there is little doubt he will be a Skingenius Teen!
Kindest regards,