Scott McGlynn

Meet Scott McGlynn, our Anti-Bullying Ambassador
We are absolutely delighted to welcome Scott McGlynn Actor, Online Creator, Podcast Host and Author as our Anti-Bullying Ambassador. Well known for his online shows Acne Uncovered and Celebrity Skin Talk, this brings 2 passions together skincare and celebrity guests who share their skincare routines, favourite (and not!) products and much more.
Scott’s written memoir ‘OUT’ depicts his time at school in the 1990’s, finding love and growing up being bullied because of his skin and sexuality. Today, Scott is determined to help young people navigate their way through the same experiences he found himself in.
Suffering from bad acne, Scott knows first-hand just how uncomfortable and self-conscious people can
feel about their skin and he aims to share his honest experiences and product reviews.
This is why it was so important to have Scott as our Ambassador.
We heard first-hand about his experience of being bullied at school because of his acne and advised people to
speak up and seek advice, taking the first steps to feeling skin confident.
Scott says:
I know from personal experience how depressed you can feel when you have acne and you don’t know where to turn. It took me a while to open up because it’s a very sensitive subject but when you’re ready, do talk to someone to help get the support you need.
Once I spoke to my parents about my acne and how it made me feel, they helped me get
the advice I needed and find the right products. Before then, I had jumped on seeing what celebrities were using in magazines before realising that, no, that’s not what my skin type needs!
I think more education is needed so people can find products that will suit and help them. This is why I love working with Skin:Genius and everything the about the brand. The products are specific for skin conditions, they’re easy to use and it’s a simple routine – giving your skin just what it needs. They understand skin conditions are more than what you see, the feeling is much deeper and it’s refreshing to see their unique 360 approach to supporting their customers in every way.
Q & A with Scott McGlynn
How old were you when you first started suffering with acne?
It started when I was 12-13 years old and I had just started high school. I was new to the school and didn't know anyone at all and I was bullied for my acne. I had it on my face and down my back, so even getting changed in the changing room for sports affected my confidence. I wish Skin:Genius had been around when I was in my teens and really struggling – Skin:Genius would have made a huge difference to my skin and my confidence.
How long did you keep your feelings to yourself before speaking to someone about how you felt?
My mum was a great support. I could and did really open up to her. She knew the struggles I went through and how it was effecting me every day including my personality and confidence. She did everything she could to help, we went to the doctors and tried evert different prodcut on the market to help me.
You suffered with acne and were bullied for this at school, how did this make you feel and what did you do?
A lot of the time I would ask myself "what is wrong with me, why am I having these bad spots, why am I the only one getting bullied for it?" As a guy back in 2000s its wasn't as open to wear makeup to help cover breakouts or help with the redness, and there was really nothing on the market to help tackle acne. There were times where I couldn't go to school - I just wanted to hide away from everyone because I didn't want to face people and get the horrid comments shouted at me that hurt so much.
What advice would you give to people on how to cope with bullying? What worked for you?
It took me a long time to accept myself.
Eventually I told myself this is me and I'm not going to change for anyone. Slowly, I started to build my confidence back again but it took time. For people going through this, I say finding an acne community online where they help, support and people share their daily life living with acne, is a great way to chat when your having a down day or just need a boost. it makes you feel great supporting others and them supporting you.
What would you tell your younger self?
I wish I hadn't listened to the comments and the torments and that I'd stuck up for myself more. I took on a lot at school and even in my first job at 16, people would comment and bully me. I wish I knew then that I was not alone. Talk to your family and those that understand you and ask for support.