Experiencing acne or breakouts during your university years?

acne treatment for students

Discover why and begin your journey today

So you've made it through your teenage years pimple-free, or perhaps you managed to
get your breakouts under control.

Either way you're ready for your dramatic teenage skin to become a distant memory so that you can take your next step towards becoming an adult... surely twenty-something's don't get acne right? 

student group

Sadly, while your student years can offer a wonderful experience, they can also take a toll on your skin.

It’s extremely common for young adults to experience problematic skin, in fact 95% of people aged 11-35* are affected with acne to some extent. So, before you begin to feel as if you’re alone in the world, remember: breakouts are a normal part of life.

Takeouts, late nights, stress from a heavy course load, and a shift in your sleeping pattern along with getting used to a new environment can all result in break outs.

Keeping a diary and recording your daily routines can help to identify patterns and when combined with skin:genius products and our recommended daily routine, you can finally start your journey towards clear skin.
