Tracey's Story (Teen)

Tracey didn't know what to do as her son had cystic acne and the medication prescribed had created further problems and not helped her son's acne.

Tracey's Story

" I am the mum of an 18 year old son who has suffered with cystic acne since his early teens. He was on medication for a few years and when this was changed he had a bad reaction. He stopped all medication 7 months ago and has since been using the skin:genius products.

Whilst he still gets odd spots, these are mainly of the whitehead variety and they go very quickly once the leave-on gel is applied. He hardly ever gets a blackhead now, but again, with the Leave-On Gel they go very quickly. The moisturiser is extremely effective at relieving dry skin.

He finds the products quick and easy to use and has continued to use them as they are gentle enough to use every day."

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