Lauren's Story (Teen)

Lauren is now in her early 20s and been suffering with breakouts more and more recently.  Having tried lots of products and going to the doctors in desperation, they prescribed the contraceptive pill which made her skin worse.  Loving life and being proud of her looks, Lauren found it increasingly hard to find a product that worked.

Lauren's Story
"I love to look good and want to feel nice about myself and when I have these painful spots, it makes me feel really unhappy - enough not to go out.  My mum bought me Skin:Genius about a year ago and I couldn't believe the difference it made to my skin.  My spots went quickly.   You don't have to use much of the product  which is nice and a little goes a long way.  The gel is brilliant at giving my make-up a smooth base to go onto and my make-up lasts so much longer.

I think this is the perfect product for teenage skin, so easy to use, smells good and my skin is looking the best it has for a long time.

Thank you."

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