Wow, what a 48 hours!
I've had the pleasure of meeting Helen who was diagnosed with Grade 3 invasive breast cancer in April 2018. Helen tells her story as The Titty Gritty (great name!) along with the desire to help others, Helen launched The C-List with her friend, leading make up artist Lisa Potter-Dixon. The C-List is all about beauty, providing tips, tricks, an understanding, products you can use and is a safe place to go. We are thrilled to be listed in The-C-List and humbled to support such a wonderful cause.
For support, laughs, understanding and so much more, you can reach Helen on-line at The Titty Gritty, @thetittygritty on Instagram, and The C List by The Titty Gritty on Facebook.
PS - Have you checked your boobs today?