Brussel sprouts – whether you have a love or hate relationship with these mini cabbages, they are rich in fibre and help to keep your gut microbiome happy. Packed with antioxidants like vitamin C they also contribute to glowing skin. Roast them with a drizzle of olive oil and add to salads or just slice thinly and add to salads raw.
Pomegranates - the jewel of the season. They’re known to boost collagen production giving your skin a radiant glow. Sprinkle them on salads or your breakfast.
Satsumas - these easy to peel citrus fruits are a rich source of vitamin C which helps support your immune system as well as brighten your skin. Snack on them after a meal. We always place one in the bottom of our stocking on Christmas Eve.
Red cabbage – a staple of the Christmas dinner table, its fibre helps to support gut health. It’s also packed with anthocyanins which have anti-inflammatory properties. Try it braised with apples with your Sunday roast.
Wishing you well this festive season – for both your plate and your mood.
Warm winter glow salad with fresh pomegranate seeds